### Terms and Conditions for Digiclock Services India Pvt Ltd

1. Services Offered

  • Digiclock Services India Pvt Ltd provides a range of digital marketing services including SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SMO (Social Media Optimization), PPC (Pay-Per-Click), website designing, web development, video editing, and coaching in these fields.
  • The company ensures high-quality services delivered by experienced professionals in the digital marketing industry.

2. Service Delivery

  • The services will be delivered as per the agreed-upon timelines and requirements outlined in the service contract.
  • Any changes to the services provided must be communicated and approved by both parties in writing.

3. Coaching Services

  • Digiclock Services India Pvt Ltd offers coaching in digital marketing fields to individuals or groups, providing valuable insights, strategies, and knowledge.
  • Coaching sessions will be conducted by qualified trainers with expertise in the respective areas.

4. Payment Terms

  • All payments for services rendered or coaching sessions must be made as per the agreed-upon terms in the contract.
  • Any delays in payment may result in a pause or termination of services until the outstanding amount is settled.

5. Confidentiality

  • Digiclock Services India Pvt Ltd will maintain the confidentiality of all client information, strategies, and data shared during the course of providing services.
  • Clients are also expected to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary information shared by Digiclock Services India Pvt Ltd.

6. Intellectual Property Rights

  • Any intellectual property created during the provision of services, including websites, content, or marketing materials, will belong to the client upon full payment.
  • Digiclock Services India Pvt Ltd retains the right to showcase the work done for promotional purposes unless specified otherwise by the client.

7. Termination of Services

  • Either party may terminate the services with a prior written notice, specifying the reasons for termination.
  • In case of early termination, any outstanding payments must be settled as per the agreed-upon terms.

8. Governing Law

  • These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of India, and any disputes shall be resolved through amicable negotiation or legal means as per Indian legal jurisdiction.

9. Amendments

  • Digiclock Services India Pvt Ltd reserves the right to update these terms and conditions with prior notice to clients.
  • Clients are encouraged to review the terms periodically and communicate any concerns or queries regarding the same.

By engaging with Digiclock Services India Pvt Ltd for digital marketing services or coaching, clients agree to abide by these terms and conditions outlined above.

Date of Last Revision: April 8, 2024

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